Súp bắp cua and súp măng cua are two versions of a soup that is very commonly served as an appetizer at Vietnamese parties and weddings. It is normally made with chicken stock, shredded crab meat, and corn (bắp) or white asparagus (măng tây) – see the link above for our crab & asparagus version.
We are not vegetarian, but we try to eat plant-based for at least half of our meals and have been wanting to make more vegetarian versions of our comfort foods. We bought a lion’s mane mushroom grow kit and got a beautiful harvest from it so I had to make something good.
Since lion’s mane has such a fun stringy texture that resembles crab meat – it’s perfect for this plant-based version.
To make the stock, I used kombu for an oceany taste, carrots & onion for sweetness, and shiitake for some extra depth.
If you eat eggs, you can add egg whites to create those wispy delicate ribbons that is in the traditional crab version and egg-drop soup. Omit to make vegan.
To achieve the must-have texture, the soup is thickened with cornstarch slurry.